Archiv für den Monat: Juni 2014


App icon Einkaufskorb ist eine einfache, trotzdem effiziente und einfach zu bedienende App. Mit dieser App gehören die Einkaufszettel der Vergangenheit an. Die vorgegebenen Kategorien und Artikel ermöglichen es, die Struktur der App zu verstehen und neue Artikel wie auch Kategorien hinzuzufügen. Außerdem werden die Daten mit der iCloud synchronisiert, wodurch es auch möglich ist, auf verschiedenen Geräten Daten zu speichern und/oder zu ändern.

My iPark

App icon My iPark provides easy access to any available parking slots within Graz and surrounding. The underlying data is based on Open Data from the City of Graz.
Your current position will be displayed on a map next to the parking places. This way it can be assured, that someone will find the fastest way to a given place. However, if the user does not want to do it on its own, the app has a built-in function, which calculates the shortest route. The detail view of a selected place will display a satellite view and any given additional info like price or opening hours. Furthermore, the user has the possibility to search for a specific place. Filtering is done by location, type or name.

Learning Styria

App icon „Learning Styria“ gibt dir die Möglichkeit die Steiermark auf spielerische Weise kennen zu lernen.
Wähle unter verschiedenen Kategorien aus (Städte, Seen, Berge, Gewässer) und versuche diese auf der Steiermark Karte zu finden.
Je näher du dran bist desto mehr Punkte bekommst du, solltest du sehr weit entfernt sein werden Punkte abgezogen.


App icon FluidColors helps with learning how to mix colors.
The goal of the game is to mix 3 random colors with red, green, and blue fluids.
By pressing the pipes at the top of the screen the fluids are released. These can be redirected to the desired bucket by drawing lines on the screen. As soon as the color in the bucket matches the target color the bucket will close. If all three buckets are closed the game ends.

Battleship fighters

App icon Battleship is a classical round based strategy game. The game has a single player mode against a computer opponent, as well as a multiplayer mode where you can compete against other players. The single player mode offers different levels of difficulty for beginners to a challenging AI, in which you have to prove your tactical skills. In multiplayer mode, you can compete against your friends and other players to find out who is the master of the seven seas.

Battleship offers stunning graphics and cool animations. Astounding sounds and a unique game atmosphere don’t let you stop the game.


* Singleplayer mode with different difficulty levels.
* Multiplayer mode via Game Center to challenge friends.
* Stunning graphics and astounding sounds.

Falling Flamingo Math

App icon Falling Flamingo Math is an iOS game, which lets you improve your mental arithmetic skills playfully.

You can choose between 4 different difficulties and 6 different characters. Each of them behaves differently. Navigate your character down through the platforms and try to answer the questions correctly. The goal of the game is to stay alive as long as possible, but be aware of the items. The good items will help you stay alive, but there are also some bad items which will give you a hard time. Enjoy playing, sharing your results and challenging friends via GameCenter!


– 6 Characters
– 4 Difficulties
– Highscores
– Challenge Friends
– Game Center Integration