
Teaching English with the iPad – reasonable, chaotic, revolutionary, innovative, supportive? Let’s find it out!

In the course of my studies I am now trying to find out whether the iPad can be seen as a useful tool for English lessons. Subsequently, I will suggest various applications and teaching methods for other subjects.
For this purpose I could borrow 14 brandnew iPads (for three weeks – 19 English lessons – altogether) from the ‚Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark‚ (teacher training college). I have been teaching in a 1st and 3rd grade of a ‚New Secondary School‘ (which is a model experiment in Austria) in Graz – the ‚Neue Mittelschule
der Pädagogischen Hochschule Steiermark

Each class has been split into two halves so everyone will get the chance to work with an iPad for some time. Further, I want to find out if the two halves can work on the same subject matters at the same time or if one group is faster than the other.

In the following postings I will draw up a report on my current observations, students‘ learning outcomes, teaching methods and all the engaged applications.

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